Стоунхендж В южной Англии на Солсберийской равнине находятся остатки древнего каменного храма. Камни образуют композицию из вертикально установленных менгиров, - презентация. Презентация - История возникновения Стоунхенджа - Stonehenge (на английском язык

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Location of Stonehenge Stonehenge is a prehistoric monument located in the English county of Wiltshire about 3.2 kilometres west of Amesbury and 13 kilometres north of Salisbury.

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Plan of Stonehenge 1 = The Altar Stone, a six ton monolith of green micaceous sandstone from Wales 2 = barrow without a burial 3 = "barrows" (without burials) 4 = the fallen Slaughter Stone, 4.9 metres long 5 = the Heel Stone 6 = two of originally four Station Stones 7 = ditch 8 = inner bank 9 = outer bank 10 = The Avenue, a parallel pair of ditches and banks leading 3 km to the River Avon 11 = ring of 30 pits called the Y Holes 12 = ring of 29 pits called the Z Holes 13 = circle of 56 pits, known as the Aubrey holes 14 = smaller southern entrance

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Astronomy and Stonehenge The prehistoric monument of Stonehenge has long been studied for its possible connections with ancient astronomy. Archaeoastronomers have claimed that Stonehenge represents an "ancient observatory," although the extent of its use for that purpose is in dispute. Many also believe that the site may have had astrological/spiritual significance attached to it as well. The discovery of evidence for a neighbour to the Heel Stone has challenged the interpretation of it as a midsummer sunrise marker. The second stone may have instead been one side of a "solar corridor" used to frame the sunrise.

Cлайд 6

Druids Temple The theory that the Druids were responsible may be the most popular one; however, the Celtic society that spawned the Druid priesthood came into being only after the year 300 BC. Additionally, the Druids are unlikely to have used the site for sacrifices, since they performed the majority of their rituals in the woods or mountains, areas better suited for "earth rituals" than an open field.

Cлайд 7

Stonehenge as a graveyard There is a theory that Stonehenge was used for burials. Indeed, burials were found on the monuments territory, but they were made much later after Stonehenge had been built. According to news reports, a professor of archeology from the University of Sheffield, Mike Parker Pearson, who manages the Stonehenge Riverside Archaeological Project noted that in his opinion Stonehenge from the very beginning of its existence and to flourish in the third millennium BC was considered by inhabitants of England as an area for the burial of the dead.

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Legends Many early historians were influenced by supernatural folktales in their explanations. Some legends held that Merlin had a giant build the structure for him or that he had magically transported it from Mount Killarausin Ireland, while others held the Devil responsible. Henry of Huntingdon was the first to write of the monument around 1130 soon followed by Geoffrey of Monmouth who was the first to record fanciful associations with Merlin which led the monument to be incorporated into the wider cycle of European medieval romance. According to Geoffrey"s Historia Regum Britanniae, using his magic Merlin took the circle from its original place in Ireland at the behest of Aurelius Ambrosius to serve as an appropriate burial place for Britain"s dead princes.

Cлайд 9

Conclusion It’s difficult to judge which of the theories is correct, but from what I have read I can do the conclusion that Stonehenge is the most mysterious symbol of Britain, which went through the whole history with this country and gives it special charm of mystery and unexploredness .

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Stonehenge, one of the great Seven Wonders of the World

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Great Britain

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Back when Stonehenge was built people had no way of telling the time. Perhaps the Druids wished to keep records of events. Stonehenge is said by some to be one widespread sundial, a clock used in ancient times. When the sun rises it casts a shadow though an opening in the one side of Stonehenge, the day passes and the shadow move across the middle showing the druids the time of day.

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It situated about 3 km west of Amesbury and 13 km north of Salisbury
The Stonehendge is in a county Wiltshire, in vicinities of Salisbury. The nearest motorways – А303 and А344/360. The nearest railway stations – Salisbury and Grejtli (approximately in 16 kilometres). From London it is necessary to go from station Waterloo by train to Salisbury (1,5 hours). Further at station in Salisbury it is possible to buy the ticket for the bus in a Stonehendge.

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Gathering place for religions
Gathering place for religions
So taking in to account that Stonehenge could predict eclipses another thought is that it was just used for predicting the full moon. The full moon meant new life, so perhaps they used Stonehenge for ceremonies to worship new life.

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Nobody knows its precise purpose.

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They say that it is connected with the sun and the moon.
The moon, it has been a sight for all over time. Back long ago little was none of the reasons for an eclipses, it was thought to be a sing from the gods. In a society which worshiped gods for all the mysteries of the world, the eclipse must have been very special. The builders of Stonehenge must have been marveled at the sight of this holy event, which happened every four years. Most likely the great Stonehenge was built to be a prediction device for the eclipse. Many people have studied Stonehenge and many have found that the stones are mathematically placed to show when and eclipse might occur. "In favor of this solution - that the Aubrey holes were used as a computer are these facts: the number 56 is the smallest number that measures the swing of the moon with an over-all accuracy of better than 3 days, and lunar cycles provide the only method of long-range eclipse prediction related to the seasons of the year."

Слайд 2

Стоунхендж (англ. Stonehenge, букв. «каменный хендж») - мегалитическое сооружение в графстве Уилтшир, Англия, представляющее собой комплекс кольцевых и подковообразных земляных и каменных конструкций. Это один из самых знаменитых археологических памятников в мире.

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Находится примерно в 130 км к юго-западу от Лондона, примерно в 3,2 км к западу от Эймсбери и в 13 км к северу от Солсбери.

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Стоунхенджа был возведен на рубеже каменного и бронзового веков. Причем создание этого удивительного магического места происходило в несколько этап. Первый приходится примерно на 3100 года до нашей эры. Именно тогда были созданы ров и внутренний земляной вал в виде окружности, диаметром 115 м, шириной 2,5 м и высотой 50-80 см. Спустя почти тысячу лет началось «строительство» того, что станет главной основой Стоунхенджа. На равнину Солсбери были доставлены 80 больших камней. Их установили внутри рва двумя концентрическими кругами - с внешней и внутренней стороны полуэллипсатрилитов. Спустя еще несколько столетий было возведено кольцо из тридцати огромных песчаниковых монолитов 31 м в диаметре. Правда, в настоящее время из них осталось стоять только 17. Примерно в 1800 году до нашей эры Стоунхендж вновь был «реконструирован» и уже приобрел привычный нам вид.

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На плане выделяются: 1 - Алтарный камень, шеститонный монолит зеленого слюдяного песчаника из Уэльса 2-3 - Курганы без могил 4 - Упавший камень 4,9 метров в длину (SlaughterStone - эшафот) 5 - Пяточный камень (HeelStone) 6 - Два из первоначально четырех вертикально стоящих камней 7 - Ров (канава) 8 - Внутренний вал 9 - Внешний вал 10 - Авеню, то есть параллельная пара рвов и валов, ведущая за 3 км на реку Эйвон; сейчас эти валы едва различимы 11, 12 - Кольца 30 ям 13 - Круг 56 ям, известный как лунки Обри (Aubreyholes) 14 - Малый южный вход План Стоунхенджа

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Сложно установить истинное предназначение Стоунхенджа поскольку на древних камнях нет никаких надписей, пометок, вообще ничего. Одна из самых распространенных научных теорий о предназначении Стоунхенджа говорит о том, что он, скорее всего, был древней астрономической обсерваторией, благодаря которой жрецы могли высчитывать лунные и солнечные дни, отмечать даты проведения важных праздников и так далее.

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Профессор Дж. Митчел, проведя компьютерный анализ Стоунхенджа и попытавшись с помощью современных цифровых технологий восстановить первоначальный вид Стоунхенджа, сделал заключение, что он представляет из себя, ни больше ни меньше, точную модель солнечной системы в поперечном разрезе.При этом, древние астрономы исходили из того, что в Солнечной системе не девять, а двенадцати планет, две из которых находятся за орбитой Плутона. А третья планета, еще больше поставила ученого в загадки, ведь она предполагалась между орбитой Марса и Юпитера, а на этом месте как раз находиться пояс астероидов.

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Также часто утверждают, что Стоунхендж использовался для захоронений. После проведённых раскопок учёные пришли к выводу, что всего в Стоунхендже было захоронено около 240 человек, которые перед погребением были кремированы. При этом археологи считают, что вероятнее всего здесь хоронили представителей местной элиты или правящей династии.

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Английский писатель и историк Том Брукс в результате своих многолетних исследований сделал вывод, что Стоунхендж входил в состав гигантской навигационной системы, состоящей из равнобедренных треугольников, вершина каждого из которых указывала на следующий пункт

Plan of Stonehenge 1 = The Altar Stone, a six ton monolith of green micaceous sandstone from Wales 2 = barrow without a burial 3 = "barrows" (without burials) 4 = the fallen Slaughter Stone, 4.9 metres long 5 = the Heel Stone 6 = two of originally four Station Stones 7 = ditch 8 = inner bank 9 = outer bank 10 = The Avenue, a parallel pair of ditches and banks leading 3 km to the River Avon 11 = ring of 30 pits called the Y Holes 12 = ring of 29 pits called the Z Holes 13 = circle of 56 pits, known as the Aubrey holes 14 = smaller southern entrance

Druids Temple The theory that the Druids were responsible may be the most popular one; however, the Celtic society that spawned the Druid priesthood came into being only after the year 300 BC. Additionally, the Druids are unlikely to have used the site for sacrifices, since they performed the majority of their rituals in the woods or mountains, areas better suited for "earth rituals" than an open field.

Stonehenge as a graveyard There is a theory that Stonehenge was used for burials. Indeed, burials were found on the monuments territory, but they were made much later after Stonehenge had been built. According to news reports, a professor of archeology from the University of Sheffield, Mike Parker Pearson, who manages the Stonehenge Riverside Archaeological Project noted that in his opinion Stonehenge from the very beginning of its existence and to flourish in the third millennium BC was considered by inhabitants of England as an area for the burial of the dead.

Conclusion It’s difficult to judge which of the theories is correct, but from what I have read I can do the conclusion that Stonehenge is the most mysterious symbol of Britain, which went through the whole history with this country and gives it special charm of mystery and unexploredness .

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1 слайд

2 слайд

Location of Stonehenge Stonehenge is a prehistoric monument located in the English county of Wiltshire about 3.2 kilometres west of Amesbury and 13 kilometres north of Salisbury.

3 слайд

Plan of Stonehenge 1 = The Altar Stone, a six ton monolith of green micaceous sandstone from Wales 2 = barrow without a burial 3 = "barrows" (without burials) 4 = the fallen Slaughter Stone, 4.9 metres long 5 = the Heel Stone 6 = two of originally four Station Stones 7 = ditch 8 = inner bank 9 = outer bank 10 = The Avenue, a parallel pair of ditches and banks leading 3 km to the River Avon 11 = ring of 30 pits called the Y Holes 12 = ring of 29 pits called the Z Holes 13 = circle of 56 pits, known as the Aubrey holes 14 = smaller southern entrance

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5 слайд

Astronomy and Stonehenge The prehistoric monument of Stonehenge has long been studied for its possible connections with ancient astronomy. Archaeoastronomers have claimed that Stonehenge represents an "ancient observatory," although the extent of its use for that purpose is in dispute. Many also believe that the site may have had astrological/spiritual significance attached to it as well. The discovery of evidence for a neighbour to the Heel Stone has challenged the interpretation of it as a midsummer sunrise marker. The second stone may have instead been one side of a "solar corridor" used to frame the sunrise.

6 слайд

Druids Temple The theory that the Druids were responsible may be the most popular one; however, the Celtic society that spawned the Druid priesthood came into being only after the year 300 BC. Additionally, the Druids are unlikely to have used the site for sacrifices, since they performed the majority of their rituals in the woods or mountains, areas better suited for "earth rituals" than an open field.

7 слайд

Stonehenge as a graveyard There is a theory that Stonehenge was used for burials. Indeed, burials were found on the monuments territory, but they were made much later after Stonehenge had been built. According to news reports, a professor of archeology from the University of Sheffield, Mike Parker Pearson, who manages the Stonehenge Riverside Archaeological Project noted that in his opinion Stonehenge from the very beginning of its existence and to flourish in the third millennium BC was considered by inhabitants of England as an area for the burial of the dead.

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Legends Many early historians were influenced by supernatural folktales in their explanations. Some legends held that Merlin had a giant build the structure for him or that he had magically transported it from Mount Killarausin Ireland, while others held the Devil responsible. Henry of Huntingdon was the first to write of the monument around 1130 soon followed by Geoffrey of Monmouth who was the first to record fanciful associations with Merlin which led the monument to be incorporated into the wider cycle of European medieval romance. According to Geoffrey"s Historia Regum Britanniae, using his magic Merlin took the circle from its original place in Ireland at the behest of Aurelius Ambrosius to serve as an appropriate burial place for Britain"s dead princes.

9 слайд

Conclusion It’s difficult to judge which of the theories is correct, but from what I have read I can do the conclusion that Stonehenge is the most mysterious symbol of Britain, which went through the whole history with this country and gives it special charm of mystery and unexploredness .

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